Anything from the inception of this blog is copyright to Danielle Harrison ©

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

OUGD505 - Design Production 2: Studio Brief 2 - Mini Brochure

I decided to make a mini brochure that would be placed in travel agents for people to pick up and take away with them for a brief introduction to the company.

  • Introduction
  • Manifesto
  • Ships
  • Itineraries
  • Amenities
  • Destinations

Front Cover
I wanted this to be like the rest of the branding, and it is how I will incorporate the illustration and photography. I tried having it stretched the width of the cover, but felt it was too overpowering.

I also added a bleed.

I halved the size of it, and placed another one next to it so that it wasn't as overpowering.

I then added the logo and text. The logo has the same spacing as the rest of the brochure.

I started by adding a baseline grid as I wanted the text to be perfect.

I tried having a heading, subheading and bodycopy, but I wasn't really happy with the sizing.

I made sure the leading was altered so that it fit to the baseline grid.

I then realised you can snap to the baseline grid, so it is a lot more accurate.

Here it is aligned properly.

I also tried it at the bottom of the page, and left space for where the photograph would go. There is a 10mm gutter.

I then realised you can change the size of the baseline grid.

I kept altering it to get it right.

I also tried having a box around it so more photograph could be seen.

I started working on the next page, making up the content as I go for why to choose the company. I based it on my boat story.

I also tried adding a photograph, but I didn't like the feel of this one. Too bright.

I printed it off to see what the sizing looked like, and I wanted it to be smaller.

The spacing seems too big between the subheading and bodycopy. I also used the fibbonachi sequence to get the right size for the heading as I knew it was too big. I multiplied 8 by 1.6 to get 12.8 which I used for the heading.

Here it is with the document grid on.

I wrote why you should pick Mediterranean Voyages, it's sort of a manifesto based on the boat story.

I decided to have one column for this, and three for an image.

I also added a subheading as it looked a bit bare.

Then I started on the amenities. I had an introduction page for it first, but then I decided not to have it.

I started on the Spa page, making sure everything was on the baseline grid.

Then I could start adding the content and sorting out the spacing.

There has to be the height of two baselines - which is 22pt - between the edge of the text and white box. One side of the white box must be touching the edge of the page. This helps for a well balanced layout which can be applied in a variety of formats, sizes and places on other pages while still being consistent. 

Here is the final page. I'm glad I've taken this time to do it properly by learning about the right sizes and spacing as I think it looks a lot more professional.

I then addressed the previous pages I had done using this same rule.

I realised this image is too dark and doesn't look right with the rectangle. This is something else to add to the brand guidelines - only light images.

This image doesn't look professional enough.

I'm not sure I like the picture this way round as it doesn't flow right with the other one.

I adde more content to it, so it made sense it wasn't the top deck shown.

I flipped the image back round and I think this looks a lot better.

I tried picking a picture for the introduction page. I wasn't sure whether to pick an image from the Med or the ship.

Here is an image of Sicily. It's a good image, but I don't think it portrays 'escape' much due to it being quite busy.

So I opted for a ship in the sea, as this is isolated and looks relaxed. 

I then picked an image for the restaurant. I liked this close up, it is of good quality and has a narrow depth of field which I like.

I tried arranging the text box on the other side so you can see out of the cruise window, but I preferred it on the left where ti didn't obstruct the candlestick.

I then found another image for restaurant which I think is better as it has a clearer view of the sea. It also contrasts well with the white text box.

I found an image for entertainment to of a promenade. This was really hard to find because I didn't want a dark image, but all shows have dark lighting behind them.

I then started to do the pages to show the ship, destinations and itineraries. 

I thought about having the destinations in a list like this, but it didn't really work because it took up too much space, and it looked unbalanced when there is only one destination for one country compared to the fuller ones.

I tried making it two boxes instead, but I felt this still took up too much space.

I started on the itineraries, looking at what other cruise lines do based on the destinations.
First I put the itinerary in a list, with the days as headings. I also put the price next to the name of the cruise. I wanted to improve this bit because I didn't think it deserved the same hierarchy.

So I moved it onto the next line which I liked better. Then I realised I would need the date of the cruise.

But then I figured I didn't have enough space because I had the day and destination over two lines. So I put the day next to it instead which worked better and gave me more space for longer itineraries.

I put the price and date into light to give hierarchy between that and the title.

I wasn't sure whether to have embark/debark on the first and last day as I didn't know where it would go now. I tried underneath but that looked messy and not connected.

I tried it above which could work, but still didn't look clean.

In the end I decided not to have it. Here is the first version and where I am at the moment.

I did try having this as well, but 1. it took too much space and 2. it didn't look right.

I then didn't know whether the title should start at the destinations or the day.

I opted with the day because it suits the audience more being familiar and normal.

Here is the dps for the Western Voyages. I chose a scene from Portofino to connect the illustrations to a real life image from the Med. It is also vibrant and looks luxurious.

I did the same layout for the Eastern Voyages, I just changed the content. I wanted to have a completely different image from the last one, so I went with a beach scene from Corfu. It looks relaxing, idyllic and sunny which is what English people want from a holiday.

I then went for something completely different for Central Voyages - a cityscape from Florence. History, monuments and cities are big in the Med, so it was appropriate to show another side to it. I think showing these three different sides give viewers a good overview to what there is.

Here is the front cover for the brochure, using the illustration to tie in the brand.

Here is the PDF version.

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