Anything from the inception of this blog is copyright to Danielle Harrison ©

Wednesday 14 May 2014

OUGD505 - Design Production 2: Studio Brief 2 - Proof Printing

As I was getting the cards and brochure sent away for print, I wanted to print them myself first so that I knew the sizing was right, the images weren't pixelated and the illustration was clear. I want it to look professional, so it's important that these details are right.

I printed the cards first to see how they looked, and I noticed that the smaller pt size was too small, and the logo on the seapass was also too small. I also thought I should reduce the size of the logo on the back of the cards.

So I resized and reprinted, having the before and after side by side. I made the small text a pt bigger which looked a lot better, the logo bigger on the seapass, and the title on the loyalty cards bigger too. I used the same size (16pt) on the loyalty card title as the big text on the seapass. This looked a lot better.

I also printed the brochure to see if I made any spelling mistakes, that pictures looked high quality and for any other errors.
I only found a couple of grammatical errors, so hopefully I didn't miss any.

I printed this in colour to see how it looked as I had edited the branding on the original image and I wanted to see if it was editable which it wasn't.

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