Anything from the inception of this blog is copyright to Danielle Harrison ©

Saturday 22 March 2014

OUGD505 - Design Production 2: Interim Crit on Research Publication

Today we had a crit on the work we have done so far on the publication.
I had done my Contents pages, and two spreads.

We presented them to each other, and then had written feedback from the group.

 I wrote five questions that I wanted answering:
  1. What would you want to know about cruises?
  2. Which contents page do you prefer?
  3. Do you think brochure is too boring/safe? - How can I make it more interesting?
  4. What imagery would you want to see in a cruise brochure?
  5. Does bodycopy make sense on Fly Cruises/Embark from Southampton?


1st Person

  1. Cost, what I can get from a cruise/what can I see?
  2. No 1. Image seems pixelated on print though.
  3. Interactive packaging or how you read it. Don't think cruises are the most interesting topic.
  4. Boats, yachts, destinations.
  5. Yes.
2nd Person
  1. Cost is a must. Why would I want to go on a cruise, as opposed to other holidays?
  2. No 4. It fits in nicely with the other pages, although the titles seem to be different weights.
  3. Brochure is appropriate but it is maybe a bit safe? Maybe think about different ways of interpretting the info.
  4. Pictures of where I was going as well as living space/inside cruise ship.
  5. Yes.
3rd Person
  1. Cost, a few example packages? What is there to do on the boat in between destinations?
  2. 1st contents page that was shown, but I was most drawn to image of the ship with ice in background. Could do a combination?
  3. No! Contextually it is appropriate. Maybe try do something experimental with packaging. A promotional piece of packaging that folds out and constructs into a boat? Saying So you want a cruise on it?
  4. Activities on the boat, rooms I can book, where to eat, places I will be visiting.
  5. 100% very informative, covers all info well.

I found this crit very helpful, and thought it was better to talk through it at the beginning, and then get written feedback as well.
The majority of people said to go for the 1st contents page so I will go with that. People want to know about the inside of a cruise ship, so I think I'm going to replace the facts dps with this instead - amenities. 
Everyone said that the bodycopy was easy to understand on the Fly Cruises/Embark from Southampton page, which is really helpful to know, as I know I'm going in the right direction with it, as it is all my own words.

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