Anything from the inception of this blog is copyright to Danielle Harrison ©

Monday 24 March 2014

OUGD503 - Responsive: BEAR - YCN Design Boards

After the photoshoot I started thinking about the design boards that we'll send to YCN. It doesn't actually mention boards on the website, but we're going to do them anyway as we feel that's the most appropriate way to submit the work.

I started thinking about the content, order of boards and want to include.
  • Bodycopy for each board - facts, create a character, rabbit burrows etc
  • Concept - brief quotes and how we've interpreted that
  • Drawings of the boards, with layout, text boxes and illustrations
  • Digital designs - full designs before print
  • Photographs - showing the set as a whole and boxes made
This all came to 8 boards, which I think is too much, so I started to refine the outline.
  • Board 1: Concept - using quotes like 'bring the alphabet to life', 'educational or crafty', 'doesn't feel like learning', 'last longer than two minutes', 'bold, gruff, simple and fun'.
  • Board 2-4: Bodycopy - facts, counting activity, rabbit in burrow, create a character, instructions, side of boxes
  • Board 5: Digital Designs -  to see colours, what we created
  • Board 6: Photographs - to see the set as a whole and how it would be made
I then went into InDesign and started creating rough layouts for it. We want it to be clean and professional, but also reflect the design.

I thought having a thin top bar with a brown background reflects how it has been used on the boxes, and is a colour used on all of the designs. This would have the pagenation, board title and our names on.
I started making 'Camping Facts' as an example, and included the facts used on that box. I also put the fireflies dotted around, but I think this is too much.

I removed them and kept the fireflies in the corner.

I then moved these to the edge of the grid column to make the grid stronger and more visible.

I also added a line and made the text column narrower. I think it can be narrow because we won't have that much text on any of them to fill the bottom, and there is more space for images.

I prefer it without the line and the fireflies on the left, but I like the narrower columns.

Then I tried the text at the bottom rather than the side, which I think could get more images on this way.

I added a more stylised line, as I felt there wasn't enough of a separation.

I made it thinner which I am happier with.

I showed a couple to Sarah and she likes the style - stylised to our designs, but still aimed at the judges in a professional way.

Once I took the photographs and Sarah had edited them, I came up with different layouts which suited them more. I wanted the photograph to fill the whole page so there was no white edges, so Sarah edited these and I carried on with the layout.

For the last page we wanted to show all of the components up close, so I made a grid and started arranging the images into the spaces.

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