Anything from the inception of this blog is copyright to Danielle Harrison ©

Saturday 22 March 2014

OUGD503 - Responsive: BEAR - Photoshoot

Once I had printed the cereal pack nets and cut out objects, Sarah cut most of them out and then we photographed them.

We got set up in the studio together and took a few photos, then Sarah had to leave so I continued doing the rest. We did want a coloured background to make it more fun, such as the yellow, red and green on the boxes, but we only had white.
We also wasn't able to get hold of any BEAR cereal boxes, so we only had half a net to use. Although they looked good, we had to be careful about what angle we photographed from so you didn't notice it was just a back.

We wanted photographs of each scene on its own, with the box, all the scene together, with all the boxes, and then all of the boxes.

I was quite nervous at first, but once we got going it was fine. And when I started taking the photos on my own, I took the camera of the tripod to get close ups and was more comfortable doing this - I actually really enjoyed it! I was really glad that the lighting was good as I was worried about having to adjust it a lot and not get the turn out that we wanted.

Here are all the photos from the shoot.

I then went through iPhoto and selected the best ones that we could use on the boards.

They are here.

These are the photos we took together, of the individual scenes and boxes.

We tried the owl in the tree as well as on the floor.

Here is the sets all together, to show what it would look like if the kid had all three.

Sarah took these four close ups of the Camping box.

You can colour in the Rabbit on the Camping box so the kid have its own version. Here it is on the side of the box. We decided to do this, because when I added the information on the other two boxes, this one didn't have enough content to fill it. It also gives more interaction with the kid.

Here is a close up of the cut out rabbit.

You can have the owl stood up, or in the tree, so I photographed both options. Here is the owl stood up.

Here is when the owl is in the tree.

I then took photos of all the individual components to the boxes.
Here is the tree stump.

Here is the squirrel.

Here is the tree from the Treetops box. Because of the splitting of the paper when it was folded, this will be Photoshopped.

Here is the Rabbit and Tree from the Treetops scene, so you can see the connection between the two boxes.

For the individual components, I made sure the slot was facing the camera with the design on.

The Campfire. I like how you can still see the marshmellows, so I made sure to take it from this angle.

The Campfire and Tent.

Here is the full Camping scene.

Here is the Tent.

Here is the Canoe with the paddle.

Here are the Salmon.

Here is the Bear from Rivers at two angles and with the Salmon.

There wasn't enough space on the table I was using for big scenes, so I moved spaces for the next photos.
Here is the full set without the boxes. It would be nice to have backgrounds or a different coloured background to make it more fun, but we didn't think about doing a background for it really as they are three different sets. 

These are my favourite images - where everything is included. It took me a while to get the arrangement right but I think you can see everything fully and it all fits in together. You can see how everything is in proportion too which took a while to get right, but I think it works well together. I think by having the boxes and the cut out objects you can clearly see the concept.

I took a few close up versions of the previous image set. I would have liked a narrow depth of field on these, but I wasn't sure how to do it - I don't even know if that is possible when having flash lights.

I took a couple of shots of the boxes together. I wished I put the boxes closer together side on because of the shadows, but it's hard to see on the little screen what they actually look like.

I took these to make sure we had pictures of the individual boxes with the sides included so that you can see we extended the design further. I think the treetops pictures came out the best as the sides look straight. I'm happy with the camping one too, but I only photographed one side, as we hadn't filled up the other one - crafty on our side.

Overall, very happy with the turn out of the photos. Of course they are not perfect, but then we knew that wasn't going to be likely as we're not photographers. But the images are in focus, you can see of the content, the lighting is bright and everything got photographed. Now we can edit them on Photoshop to get the effects we want.

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