Anything from the inception of this blog is copyright to Danielle Harrison ©

Tuesday 22 April 2014

OUGD505 - Design Production 2: Studio Brief 2 Crit

Today we had a crit showing what we had done so far for Studio Brief 3.

Here are the mindmaps I had:

Here is the list of collateral:

  • Website
  • App
  • Stationary
  • Social Media
  • Email Footer
  • Brochure
  • Lanyard
  • Advert Banner
  • Tickets
  • Guide

I made an InDesign document stating my brief and visual examples of excursions:

I wrote a list of 3 questions:

  1. Should I limit the trips to just Barcelona, or do it for European Cities? Rome, Paris etc..
  2. If you were booking a trip in a foreign country what would you want to know?
  3. Can you think of any more collateral to add?

To show, I had a mindmap of my idea, excursion trips and the collateral I am going to create.

Feedback 1
  1. Barcelona - means you can get a more in depth knowledge/opinion that will show in your work and also narrow subject so its not too broad/vague. +1
  2. Weather, what the area is like (if its full of crime, I would not want to go), things to do - more interesting, unique stuff that differentiates the place from anywhere in the world.
  3. Nope.
Feedback 2
  1. I believe focusing on one place will allow to go a lot further with it.
  2. Price, what I can do, why I'd want to go, places of interest
  3. Uniform, I can't think of anything else.. - wayfinding, travel modes - mockup cars, bus etc
Feedback 3
  1. Focusing on a more specific area can help you hone in on the aesthetics and themes of the culture
  2. Attractions, maybe less touristy areas to get a real feel of the place and its culture. Food and activities to try, weather, cost of things.
  3. No
Feedback 4
  1. Focusing on one location will allow you to carry out a precise research responsive and create depth for your work.
  2. How am I going to get from the airport etc to my accommodation. Public transport and costs. Places to eat and arrive. How far places are from where I am staying. What the weather is usually like?
Feedback 5
  1. Only 1 target audience/place. Would be more specific and engaging. Would also give more focus to the website and app.
  2. Weather, places to see, museums, exhibitions, wildlife, shopping, bars and eateries. Transport, cost, surrounding areas.
  3. No, seems like everything - perhaps mockup ticket office/advertising.
Feedback 6
  1. Just focus on Barcelona, you will be able to develop outcomes with a strong visual reference to the featured place.
  2. Weather, prices, areas of natural beauty, local secrets, places to visit, recommended places to eat, accommodation information. 
  3. Nope.

Everyone said to just stick with Barcelona, as I can do it more thorough so I am going to stick with that.
It was interesting to see what people wanted to see, although some did mention about airports/accommodation which wouldn't be necessary because these people would be on cruises.

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