Anything from the inception of this blog is copyright to Danielle Harrison ©

Friday 15 November 2013

OUGD504 - Design for Print: Ticket Development

I wanted these to be in the style of tickets that you would get on a journey, so I when I was designing I kept in mind to keep it a similar size to that of a train ticket and boarding pass. I also used a grid to keep everything in proportion.

In my development stage I wanted to have everything on the tickets printed in the process, such as embossing and screenprinting, but I then realised the text would have to be really thick and quite big to get a good impression with foiling and embossing. I then decided that I should digitally print the text, and have the logo printed in the process, as this would then match the posters as the text on that would be digitally printed, and it would be a lot more readable. 

I first looked at different fonts that worked well in a bold and light style as I wanted to combine both these two.

I started designing for the ticket. I really didn't like this attempt as it's too boxy.

I then decided I wanted it to use a grid as it would look more clean and simple.

I liked this version, as the bars contained each section with having one at the top and one at the bottom of the sections.

I liked this style, as it was a better shape.

I tried separating it into three columns but I don't think this worked either because it looks too blocky.

So I went back to the shape beforehand, and made the design fit into the grid which I really liked.

This is what it looks like without the grid.

I tried it with text just in three columns but I feel it was too empty on the fourth column.

I tried it with another process, but found that on the 'from' and 'to' section I needed to add another line, as well as on the 'route via' section, which made it look too cluttered.

Therefore I added another line underneath, which makes it look a lot neater.

This was how these five designs looked like, and I was really happy with them.

I then realised however, that I got the measurements wrong and they were 4x9cm which is far too small.
So I tried a different format, however I felt these weren't rectangular enough and didn't seem to fit in the space like the last ones.

So I went back to the design before, but made them bigger. I actually made them so that the logo was the same size as what is on the icons and the posters so that it all fits in together.
I feel like they look like tickets, and get the point across in a simple tone. 

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