Anything from the inception of this blog is copyright to Danielle Harrison ©

Sunday 3 March 2013

OUGD406 - Communication Is A Virus

Wednesday 27th
Here are my sketches and ideas for the video involving diy teabags:

Thursday 28th
Having done my research on making diy teabags and ideas on how to make it into a video, I wasn't very confident that it would be effective, and wasn't entirely sure on how to do it, because you need a sewing machine to make a teabag. 
When I came into college today I saw that Kirsty was working on a typeface made out of tea. I started helping drawing out the letters, and cutting the tape to size and putting the tea on top to make the letters:

This gave me a different idea for the video, which would work a lot better, and this is the idea that I have:

The group liked it, and I now feel a lot more confident about the video, because it is more relevant. I felt that the diy teabag idea was aimed at more crafty people, and that people wouldn't actually make the teabags because it is a lot of hassle, and we have a wider audience than that.

Friday 1st

Today we had a crit with two other groups and Simon about our project. There wasn't that much feedback, just to distribute the posters outside of college as well as inside. We were thinking of asking the cafes around uni to put our posters up.

I thought it would be a good idea to pantone match the tea that we were using, and find a green that will go with it. We thought a colour scheme of brown, green and white stock would be appropriate, as it is natural and earthly, like tea.

C = 70
M = 90
Y =  100
K = 30

C = 50
M = 0 
Y = 35
K = 0

Today's job is to create the message that will be featured on the video. Me and Kirsty wanted to get it done today so that we wasn't wasting time on Monday. I first went onto Illustrator and looked at different ways to present the text. I did it to A1 scale, as that is the size of the paper we were using for the video. This meant I could measure the dimensions perfectly.

I decided that this one was the best because although the text is very big, it leaves enough white space around the margins and where the logo and twitter would be to look clean and minimal.

I started measuring out the correct proportions that I made on Illustrator, and started drawing. Once all the letter had been drawn, Kirsty helped with cutting the tape and making the letters.

Sunday 3rd
Today I am going to plan out what I need for tomorrows photoshoot.

Photoshoot Plan
Camera: Nikon D5000
Lens: 18-55mm
Props: Tripod; hairdryer/fan; dustpan and brush; clingfilm/paper; teabags.
Time: 12:30-4:30

I spoke to the photography technician about the mess, and he said it was absolutely fine. To clean up the tea, I thought a dustpan and brush would be handy so that we could use the tea again to pour on the paper. I also thought that if someone held clingfilm or paper in the direction that the tea would blow then it would limit where the tea would go.

Monday 4th
Today was the day of the video shoot, and I think it was very successful! Me and Kirsty brought 6 boxes of teabags in preparation, and we definitely needed it. 
First of all we started to set up the studio. We talked to the technicians and they helped us and sorted us out with some equipment, and this is what we needed to set up:
We needed a big tripod which would allow the camera to face the poster at a bird's eye view. We also needed some lighting which were specifically for video. 
We then got some white paper to put underneath the poster as the floor was quite dirty and we wanted it to be pure white.

We also started emptying tea bags so that we could pour it onto the poster. We used 480 teabags for this.

We did a couple of tests before the actual video to see how powerful the fan and hairdryer was so that we knew what to do on the real thing.


We did a couple of tests to see what it looked like with the camera, and whether we needed to alter the angle:

Here is the final video, that James edited:

Tuesday 5th - Friday 8th
Everything started coming together this week and we distributed a lot of posters and flyers around college and tearooms.
Here are our final resolutions:







Cup Sleeves




The interactive poster that we put up in the canteen worked really well, because a lot of people stuck stickers on their favourite tea, which I wasn't expecting.

The 'taste and tweet' leaflet that Jane made also got a response on our Twitter.

We got a lot of direct messages from fellow tea enthusiast twitter pages.

We got a lot of hits on the blog, and more followers on that than on the twitter page.

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