Anything from the inception of this blog is copyright to Danielle Harrison ©

Tuesday 19 February 2013

OUGD406 - Tips For Presenting Work

Peter Saville was an art director at Factory Records and designed the sleeve for New Order's True Faith. He did this the night before the pitch was due when he saw a leaf fall in front of his car.

Read the book, Whatever You Think, Think The Opposite

'Look out of the window and whatever catches your eye, a bird, a television aerial, an old man on crutches or whatever, make that the solution to your problem.' - Sometimes take a break from what you are working on and come back to it with a fresh mind or look at the window for inspiration.

'Do not seek praise.
Seek criticism.'

'Can you find fault with this?' Ask questions like these in critiques 

'Don't give a speech. Put on a show.' Don't just talk and drone on, present in an interactive way

'Astonish me!'

'If you can't solve a problem, it's because you're playing by the rules'. - Think outside the box

Go further with a brief, think of ways to go beyond answering it i.e. if the brief is to design for print, think of ways it would also work on screen.

When presenting a pitch, don't have your brand logo on it because they already know who you are.

Put into context - mock ups of emails, packaging, websites etc.

Show how ideas could work - what a  drop down menu would look like on a website

Present work in a pdf document, and try to produce mock ups to save money

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