Anything from the inception of this blog is copyright to Danielle Harrison ©

Thursday 21 February 2013

OUGD406 - Communication Is A Virus

Today we told each other our ideas, and was really happy with what people had come up with. We clarified some things and decided on what to say in tomorrow's crit, which Jane wrote down:

Create your own unique tea blend according to your mood. Tell other people about it, tweet it, drink it in or buy bulk to take home. 

We will create a tea room which has lots of different flavoured tea available.

There will be a strong message promoting the healthy benefits of drinking tea instead of coffee.

Unique selling point:
Create your own personalised flavoured tea.

What do you want to say?
A new contemporary take on tea that promotes the benefits of drinking tea and exploring new flavour combinations.

How do you intend to say it?
We intend to create a contemporary brand that will target professionals and encourage them to explore the flavours of the world or create their own tea blend.
We want to utilise Twitter in a creative way to distribute the message to the masses and engage potential customers.

What language would be appropriate?
We want to communicate a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere through the use of informal and friendly language.

Will the content communicated primarily through type or image?
We will use both type and image. Due to the limited colour palette the type will have to compliment the images to communicate our message.

What are you aiming to achieve?
To build a brand that will introduce customers to international tea, creating an appreciation for different flavours that are unique to our brand and not readily available elsewhere.

We want to develop  "the new place to be" and make customers feel part of our company.

We want people to talk about their unique tea and general experience whilst spreading the word.

We identified 6 key areas to start working on in order to cover the brief which were as follows:

Distribution channels (James): 
How will we get people to talk about us, spread the word 

Packaging (Danielle):
What kind of packaging will we provide for people to bring their loose tea home in
cups, mugs for drinking in?

Tea room layout (Sophie):
How will we display the "blend your own tea area" within the tea room and how do we communicate the message?

Products: Tea Flavours and health benefits from drinking the tea (Kirsty):
Research flavours that we should include and find out about the benefits from drinking it.
Think about how they could be illustrated.
Food that complements the different tea flavours.

Branding & Identity (Priyesh):
Name, Logo, colour schemes

Promotional (Jane):
Reward or loyalty scheme to keep customers coming back
Any other promotional activities to raise awareness. 

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